Back to the Future: The Musical

Back to the Future: The Musical

Helyszín Adelphi Theatre

Ár a 11629 Ft

Back to the Future: The Musical is set to rewrite theatre history. When Marty McFly is transported back to 1955 in a time machine built by the eccentric scientist Doc Brown, he accidentally changes the course of history. Now he’s in a race against time to fix the past and send himself... back to the future. Based on the classic 1980s film, this spectacular and hilarious musical adventure will star Olly Dobson (Bat Out of Hell) and the Tony Award-winning Roger Bart (The Producers). Directed by the Tony Award-winning John Rando it features a score by legendary film composer Alan Silvestri and Glen Ballard (Ghost The Musical), along with hit songs from the film.  Book your tickets yesterday!



Információ a helyszínről

Adelphi Theatre
409-412 Strand

Információ az előadásról

Kezdő dátum

Végső dátum

Előadás hossza:
2 hours 40 minutes (incl. interval)


(3mins) Head out onto the main road Strand. Cross the street where possible and go right (approx. 150 metres). The theatre is on your left.

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